TOMA is now offering on-demand access to the conference. Which means if you missed out on attending in person, you can take advantage of the opportunity to earn 20 Category 1A credits (inc. 1.5 opioid, 1.5 human trafficking, 2 ethics/risk management and more!) from the comfort of your home and office. 

Participants have access to the on-demand content through July 28, 2024 at Midnight. It couldn't be easier - register and start earning CME today!

Sign Up for On-Demand Access


On-Demand Registration Rates: 

Member Type
Physician Member 
Non-Member Physician/Prospect
1st, 2nd & 3rd year member 
Retired/Associate/UIW Member
Retired Non-Member
Med. Student/Resident/Intern


What's Included:

Virtual Registration includes:

  • Virtual participation opportunities for all live stream educational sessions 
  • On-demand access to educational sessions through July 28, 2024.* 
  • Opportunity to earn up to 20 CME credit hours, including 2 ethics/risk management, 1.5 human trafficking and 1.5 opioid credits 

*No extensions beyond that date will be granted. Registration closes July 28, 2024. 


Cancellation Policy:

No cancellations will be allowed for the on-demand conference.